GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows the user to request EXACTLY what they want avoiding making a bunch of requests, as in a more traditional REST API call.
Now, its important to know that Next.js, the framework underlying SaaS DNA, supports REST api architecture out of the box. But we have integrated GraphQL into the codebase for you so you don't have to.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows the user to request EXACTLY what they want avoiding making a bunch of requests, as in a more traditional REST API call.
Now, its important to know that Next.js, the framework underlying SaaS DNA, supports REST api architecture out of the box. But we have integrated GraphQL into the codebase for you so you don't have to.
While GraphQL can be a steep learing curve, the upside is well worth it.
Top companies all over the world demand GraphQL skills for most of thier software engineering positions, regardless of whether its a backend or frontend role.
Via a single GQL endpoint, organizations can handle incredible traffic to thier API. In fact, the api architecture underlying Shopify is GraphQL.
Developers, especially new developers looking for thier first role, can seperate themselves from the field by utilizing this incredibly powerful technology.