
Play with the actual application of SaaS DNA

Integrations Stack


Clerk logo

Say goodbye to the complexities of user authentication and authorization with Clerk. Effortlessly integrate beautifully designed, ready-made components that streamline your development process. Powered by SaaS DNA, you get pre-configured middleware for secure route handling, intuitive components to protect sensitive areas, and easy-to-manage user roles and metadata—all without the hassle. Experience the simplicity and power of Clerk with SaaS DNA by signing in below!

Integration Stack


Stripe logo

Stripe is built on a very extensive REST api. This template has created GraphQL schema that powers our utilization of Stripe's API. Utilizing this GQL schema and the corresponding resolvers you may fetch your products, assuming you have created a product at your business account on stripe. If you have not, please do so first. What's more; you can build off of this GQL pattern to extend your usage of Stripe's api to build infinitely composable dashboards based on your product suite and customer base. Out of the box, we offer GQL schema and resolvers as it relates to your products, prices and customers.

Integrations Stack


Resend logo

Utilize this form to seamlessly resend emails to your recipients. To get started, please complete the fields. Select your preferred signature from the options provided, then click "Fire Away" to send the email. This functionality is designed to enhance your communication management, ensuring that important messages are delivered effectively.

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